ArtisticLee ~ LA Beaulieu Photography ~ Traditional ~ Digital ~ Buy Art ~ Contact Me ~ Facebook

ArtisticLee was developed as a way to showcase the talents of a wounded healer. Having grown up in a home with chronic illness she suffers from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and chronic pain.

Both can be debilitating conditions. Creativity has proven to be an effective coping mechanism and aid to recovery, one day at a time.

Art, writing, and photography are a way for her to capture her intense feelings and emotions in life. In addition, they are also a way to transform negative experiences and memories into something more beautiful; a catharsis.

ArtisticLee's perceptive nature and creative intellect are often expressed in contrasting visuals of color, light, and darkness. Intense color is her preferred palette, as it reflects the intensity of feelings inside her.

The experience of daily chronic pain on top of PTSD, while initially depressing, motivated her to create images and write stories that evoke emotional responses from their viewers. Allow yourself to be provoked, question sanity, find relief from pain, or let your heart drift in life's natural chaos.

“I want to provoke passion in others; to encourage them to question life, to question their own morals, to look deeper and stop just existing.” — ArtisticLee

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©2015 LA Beaulieu